Friday, February 24, 2017


Ah news. You never fail to disappoint me.  It's not really the fault of the journalist.  It's mainly the fact that people themselves are flawed individuals and subject to failing spectacularly on a regular basis.  I often wonder if ignorance is bliss and I should just not watch the ever.  I then realize that ignorance is never an option, because life moves quickly, and you never want to just let things pass you by and affect you without knowing what's going on.

With the news of the White House lifting Obama's guidelines on protections for transgendered kids, it makes me wonder just who has the right to decide for these children what their identities are? Many parents of transgendered children state that their child knew from the very start what their identities were.  Some parents have stated that they are the ones who decide.  When children are born, doctors take a look at the external genitalia and assign the child a gender.

Looking through Twitter, tumblr, and just hearing from others, I've learned that being transgendered is difficult enough as it is.  Many are already afraid to use the bathroom that fits with their "chosen" gender. (I've placed the word "chosen" in quotes because I don't believe it's something they just chose out of the blue for kicks. It's the gender they feel that best suits them.) Why should we, cisgendered persons, make ourselves the genital police and tell someone they can't potty because they don't have the right genitals? It's really none of our business.

Childhood and adolescence are hard enough.  Why make it harder for kids to go to school and be able to feel comfortable in the skin they are in? Bathrooms are just bathrooms. People are just people.  How hard is that to understand?

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